Our advocacy. |
Say NO to violence. |
Victim rights. |
Take action. |
You can view the November 12th event where legislators, service providers and advocates shared information about the need to strengthen PFA enforcement.
During the 16 Days of Activism, 25 November-10 December, all clubs and districts are encouraged to take part in the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign and to take local, national and international actions to change gender-based attitudes and behaviors and end violence against women. Zonta Says NO |
We support awareness activities of the Office of Victim Advocate, the state agency with the authority and duty to advocate for the rights and needs of crime victims.
Visit the OVA. |
The Zonta USA Advocacy Action Center is a tool for our members in the United States and other individuals who share our commitment to gender equality to take action to improve the lives of women and girls.
Advocacy Action Center. See current Pennsylvania legislation that addresses the issue of human trafficking. Pennsylvania's Anti-Human Trafficking Bills - Greenlight Operation March 2024 Update on PA House and Senate Bills ZI has prepared materials to support meeting with elected official. |