Service projects and partners.
Party with a Purpose
Service Grants Award
Greenlight Operation
Golden Z Club Penn State Harrisburg
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Healthy Steps Diaper Bank
Period Project Harrisburg
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (DVSCP)
Shalom House
Bethesda Mission Women's Shelter
- The Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey's December 11 meeting is a mash-up of membership and service!! We invite you to join us to experience the spirit of Zonta as we combine a service project with information about the 'who', 'what', 'why' and 'how' of Zonta. Use this Signup Genius link to RSVP and select an item to bring to help us help The Salvation Army - Carlisle Corps - celebrate the holidays with their clients.
Service Grants Award
- The Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation raises money to fund local projects which focus on the improvement and safety of women and children. We awarded $2000 to Days for Girls Camp Hill Team at our May 2024 meeting. The current round of Service Grant funding is closed.
Greenlight Operation
- Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey partners with Greenlight Operation. Their vision is to see a world where human trafficking is disrupted and survivors are restored. Their mission is to combat human trafficking through educational initiatives and serve sex trafficked women through a continuum of restorative care. Zonta Club members collected gifts for Greenlight Operation at their Party with a Purpose. Greenlight Operation was presented with $6000 at our May 2024 meeting along with our congratulations and 'thanks' for their work in this fast-growing industry. Consider attending the Greenlight Operation Gala on Thursday, October 19.
Golden Z Club Penn State Harrisburg
- Through the Golden Z Club program, Zonta members work to bring Zonta International’s mission to students around the world and to stimulate new and meaningful student-led service and advocacy projects.
- Z clubs are formed on secondary school campuses or in communities, and Golden Z clubs are formed on college and university campuses. These student clubs are designed to provide opportunities for young adults to develop communication and leadership skills, explore career alternatives, and increase their international awareness and understanding through service. The Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey sponsored and supports the Golden Z Club Penn State Harrisburg.
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
- We are doing a workday at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in 2025. Join us as we help support the mission of the Food Bank: fighting hunger, improving lives, strengthening communities.
Healthy Steps Diaper Bank
- Zonta club members collected diapers for Healthy Steps Diaper Bank. Its mission is to provide diapers, period supplies, and other basic needs to underserved families throughout South Central Pennsylvania. Members also volunteer at Health Steps Diaper Bank to package items for distribution to their clients.
Period Project Harrisburg
- Zonta club members donate products to the Period Project Harrisburg. Its mission is to eradicate period poverty in the Harrisburg area and raise awareness about its impact on the dignity and health of our community. On October 26th, we joined other volunteers for their 4th annual Community Day of Impact at Capital Blue Cross Connect store in Enola. We helped assemble period packs and organized full package donations for the unsheltered and low income in the greater Harrisburg area.
Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (DVSCP)
- Zonta club members participate with DVSCP in multiple ways. We have provided lunch to the women in the shelter during 2022-2023 and actively participate in their annual Candlelight Vigil to remember and honor those who've lost their lives to domestic violence in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
- On March 8th each year, Zontians worldwide distribute yellow roses to women who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in their lives in honor of International Women’s Day. For several years, to celebrate this day, members of the Zonta Club Harrisburg-Hershey have shared the Zonta message, food and fellowship with the International Fellows Program spouses at the Carlisle War College. It's a significant opportunity to remember our common hopes and desires as a worldwide community. Send an email to [email protected] to learn how you can participate. This year we'll celebrate with the IFP spouses on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
Shalom House
- For several years, Zonta club members supported the residents and staff of Shalom House. They are committed to providing emergency shelter for homeless women and children, transitional housing for homeless women veterans and their children, and permanent housing for disabled, chronically homeless low-income women. In 2021, the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey presented Shalom House with $6,000 from a year of fundraising efforts, and a grant award of $500 from the Mary McInroy Sheffer People Trust.
Bethesda Mission Women's Shelter
- For over 34 years Bethesda Women and Children’s Mission has offered a place of healing, change, and hope for women in need of addiction recovery, safety and stability, a new start in life, and place where they can call home. The Zonta Club has supported the Women's Shelter with funds and donations, including our December 2023 'Party with a Purpose' where we packaged bags of personal items for the residents.